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Spread Spectrum Scene 

The SSS Story

SSS Online is THE BEST source for SS, RF & Wireless Information!

Spread Spectrum Scene began as a paper magazine in April, 1992. It was founded by Randy Roberts of El Granada, California, who brought to the magazine his many years of experience as the prime mover behind RF/SS Consulting. Under Randy's expert leadership, SSS magazine quickly became a world leader in covering spread spectrum communications and related RF / wireless technologies.

SSS went "online" in 1997, which allowed easy archiving and retrieval of past issues and information on a wide variety of technical issues of interest to the spread spectrum, RF and wireless community. It also permitted much easier distribution and delivery of the information especially to its large worldwide readership. Over the next two years, Randy added hundreds of pages of information, links, and tutorials to the news articles which formed the core of the initial website.

Then in January 1999, Randy retired, and for the better part of two years the site was not updated. It was still a treasure trove of information, but over time many of the links became broken and the news grew stale.

In October 2000, Randy sold the website to Jim Pearce of Pegasus Technologies, his friend and associate of many years. Jim, as the President of SSS Online, Inc., the corporation formed to own the website, took on the commitment to restore SSS-mag to its former position as the BEST SOURCE for SS, RF, and wireless information. Management of the website is done by Pegasus Technologies, and includes Jim Pearce, Chief Technical Editor; Danny Simpson, Contributing Editor; and Karen Edwards, Webmaster.

Since we took over the website, Pegasus Technologies has devoted substantial resources to updating the site, adding sections on some of the newer technologies, and improving its navigability. The initial update was completed on January 2, 2002, and we are now working to provide the latest in up-to-date information as well as an outstanding archive of information on these technologies.

You can help by telling us what you'd like to see, or by submitting something for publication -- we're interested in new technology breakthroughs, user oriented articles, technical and / or tutorial articles, letters to the editor, advertising and "other stuff" you may dream up to make available for publication here . . . please consider us first for your "Internet Spread Spectrum Forum."

Also read "About SSS" -- our background files!

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Revised November 12, 2008